A monetary payout or salary service that handles transactions between businesses to users or employees via most banks in EU or Swish. Automating both the accounting, tax and fee reporting.
How it works
Quick and easy integration
Get started in a jiffy with easy integration to hook up Papageno to your application's payout workflow.
Simple and quick integration and a virtual wallet.
Quickly set up an integration and start paying out to receivers. Keep track of the entire organization's balance and each individual receiver’s wallet. Easily introduce employee and user benefits.
Automatic accounting, tax and fee declaration
Totally autonomous administration of monetary payouts handling all the accounting and eventual tax and fee reporting.

Instant Payouts to receivers via API to Swish (SWE) or bank (EU)
You or the receiver decides when to make the actual payout, directly via the phone (Swish) or via regular bank account (EU).
How it works
Quick and easy integration
Get started in a jiffy with easy integration to hook up Papageno to your application's payout workflow.
Simple and quick integration and a virtual wallet.
Quickly set up an integration and start paying out to receivers. Keep track of the entire organization's balance and each individual receiver’s wallet. Easily introduce employee and user benefits.
Automatic accounting, tax and fee declaration
Totally autonomous administration of monetary payouts handling all the accounting and eventual tax and fee reporting.

Instant Payouts to receivers via API to Swish (SWE) or bank (EU)
You or the receiver decides when to make the actual payout, directly via the phone (Swish) or via regular bank account (EU).
“12G is a crucial partner in SALSA project and we aim to continue in cooperation in project extension and future projects in the field of space or near space.”

CEO of GoSpace Tech
“12G is a crucial partner in SALSA project and we aim to continue in cooperation in project extension and future projects in the field of space or near space.”

CEO of GoSpace Tech
Get started
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